Whether you’re teaching one grade or several grades, it’s always a challenge to find FREE, ready-to-use technology tools. So I was thrilled to find
Dreambox Teacher Tools, Ready-To-Use interactive
whiteboard lessons for
grades K-8.
- Don’t have a Dreambox subscription? Don’t need one!
- Don’t have an interactive whiteboard? Don’t need one!
The list of Teacher Tools are in order by (1) grade
then (2) skill.
An example of a Kindergarten lesson uses an
interactive, 2- wire Rekenrek and patterns of five and ten to help students count
and subitize numbers to 20.
Along with
each lesson is a sample lesson plan.
This one encourages collaboration between students and sharing different
ways of solving problems.
In a 4th grade lesson, students learn to use a bar model and equation to add fractions.
The accompanying Sample Lesson Plan also encourages
collaboration between students and sharing different ways of solving problems. There are also tips on common misconceptions
and tips for struggling students.
Go to Dreambox Teacher Tools and see if some of these ready-to-use tools and lessons would be useful to your students!
Go to Dreambox Teacher Tools and see if some of these ready-to-use tools and lessons would be useful to your students!
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